Global Rules
1. Any content displaying a human/fictional child or filly in a sexually provocative situation that may or may not necessarily be considered child pornography is forbidden.
NOTE: Lolicon and foalcon fall under this rule, doesn't matter if you're on /b/. We aren't 4chan.
2. Do not excessively flood boards with content related to a single, fleeting "hot topic" to the detriment of other board content. While trending topics are natural, organized or excessive efforts to dominate entire boards with a single subject, effectively pushing out other legitimate content, may be moderated. Consider creating dedicated threads or using relevant tags to contain such discussions.
3. Meta-discussion about nuchan policies or moderation should be directed to designated feedback threads. While open criticism is sometimes necessary, constantly derailing board discussions with complaints about moderation or site policies is disruptive. >>>/nu/ exists for a reason.
4. Rules are subject to interpretation and enforcement may vary based on context and moderator discretion. These rules are guidelines, not rigid laws. Moderators will exercise judgment based on the specific situation and the overall health of the community. Appeals should be made with respect and understanding of this inherent flexibility in moderation.
5. Do not engage in targeted harassment or brigading of individual users across multiple threads or boards. While disagreements and robust debate are expected, organized campaigns of harassment or targeted attacks against specific users, especially those that follow users across different boards to continue harassment, are prohibited.
6. Do not post pornography on worksafe boards. All boards that default to the Burichan (blue) theme are to be considered "work safe". Violators may be temporarily banned and have their posts removed.
Note: Spoilered pornography or other "not safe for work" content is NOT allowed, while sexually suggestive pornography is fine on Burichan (blue) boards.
nuchan is not responsible for users who fail to comply to these rules. However, we try our hardest to enforce these rules and ban any user who breaks them. The ability to use nuchan is a privilege; not a right. As such, we reserve the right to cut any user off from nuchan for any given reason at any time.
/nu/ - nuchan discussion
This board is specifically for constructive discussion about nuchan policies, moderation, site features, and community issues. All other boards are off-topic. Whining and unproductive complaining are not permitted. Moderators may actively participate in discussions and provide feedback. Global Rules 1, 2, 7, and 8 are emphasized here.
/b/ - Random (Evolved)
ZOMG STILL NONE!!!1 BUT... Global Rules 2, 3, and 5 are loosely enforced. Moderation on /b/ remains intentionally minimal, but egregious violations of the spirit of the rules, even if not the letter, may be addressed at moderator whim. Don't push your luck.
NOTE: Global rule 1 still applies to everyone.